Trip Packages & Extra Services

Review the full details for our optional trip packages and adventure activities.

2024-25 Season

Antarctica21 guests warmly dressed for hiking on the continent.

Hiking & Snowshoeing

A Hiking and Snowshoeing Guide leads a small group of adventurers who wish to explore further while on land as they gain elevation and explore the landscape.

Sea Kayaking

An exclusive experience under the guidance and leadership of an experienced Kayak Master, who takes our guests on a sea journey through icy waters while observing massive glaciers and aquatic wildlife.

Extra Services

Complete an air-cruise booking with pre and post-expedition packages. This includes details for all our additional services and adventure activities in Antarctica.

Important Reminders Checklist

Important reminders and things to consider before traveling on an expedition with Antarctica21.

2025-26 Season

Hiking & Snowshoeing

A Hiking and Snowshoeing Guide leads a small group of adventurers who wish to explore further while on land as they gain elevation and explore the landscape.

Sea Kayaking

An exclusive experience under the guidance and leadership of an experienced Kayak Master, who takes our guests on a sea journey through icy waters while observing massive glaciers and aquatic wildlife.

Extra Services

Complete an air-cruise booking with pre and post-expedition packages. This includes details for all our additional services and adventure activities in Antarctica.

Important Reminders Checklist

Important reminders and things to consider before traveling on an expedition with Antarctica21.

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